A teacher stands, arms folded in front of a whiteboard in a classroom environment
A young student considers the contents of a saucepan on the hob in the school's food tech classroom

Careers Education at Ipswich Academy

Careers education, information and guidance is an essential part of our personal development programme that we offer to all students at Ipswich Academy.

Our career programme provides students with information, advice and guidance. 

It gives young people the opportunity to develop qualities and skills which will prepare them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences needed to make a successful transition to adulthood.

Our careers programme is a whole-school responsibility, designed to complement the school curriculum and support the wider agendas of attainment, achievement and participation in learning.

Students in KS3 and KS4 are given a wide range of opportunities to gain an insight into the world of work, exploring career pathways, developing their personal skills and becoming prepared for their next steps into further education.

Our careers programme includes weekly careers sessions for all year groups, enterprise days, visits to businesses, speakers from the world of work, STEM challenges, an extensive work experience programme and careers lessons within our PSHE programme. We work closely with a range of local and national organisations to support our events such as careers fairs as well as increasing the opportunities available to our students when seeking work experience placements or work based learning after leaving school.

Ipswich Academy collaborates with the Enterprise Advisor Network, a national network that connects schools with businesses and Take Your Place, a regional programme aimed at helping young people aged 13-19 consider studying higher education.

In the music room 3 band members get started on their performance with guitars and keyboards
A young student considers the contents of a saucepan on the hob in the school's food tech classroom

The Ipswich Academy Careers team is:

Victoria Addis -Careers Lead: victoria.addis@paradigmtrust.org

Nicola Tricker – Assistant Careers Lead: nicole.tricker@paradigmtrust.org

Maled Akhlak – Head of Wider Opportunities

Karen Cross – Enterprise Coordinator

Our careers provision is reviewed annually by:

Amy Cook – Assistant Principal

A teacher stands, arms folded in front of a whiteboard in a classroom environment
Wistful moments with friends enjoying sunshine and fresh air