Parent and Carer information
All young people are required to continue in education or training until their 18th birthday.
Students can choose to study or train in any of the following ways:
- Stay on full-time in a school, college or with a training provider
- Work or volunteer full-time, together with part-time accredited education or training.
- Take up an apprenticeship or traineeship.
The careers team at Ipswich Academy will cover the range of options that are available, including sixth form, college, university, apprenticeships, employment and volunteering. We have great relationships with local sixth forms, colleges, universities and employers all of which contribute to provide a range of careers and enterprise activities for students.
Students take part in careers lessons in all year groups and have access to a qualified Careers Adviser. Students in year 11 are offered individual guidance appointments in the autumn term.
If any parents/carers would like to volunteer to come into school and speak to students about your career or help support our career events you would be very welcome. Ipswich Academy enjoys good relationships with parents and carers, we hope that working together ensures students are supported to make the right decisions about their future.
The websites listed below are specifically aimed at parents, carers and guardians and provide a wealth of useful information:
Guidance from Suffolk County Council
For more information on our online careers platform please click here.
For information about Icanbea please click here.