Who’s who?

At Ipswich Academy, we have a large number of staff who you will be taught by and interact with every day.

It can be very difficult to remember who everyone is and what they do. Therefore, if you are ever unsure who you can go to if you need any particular support, have a look at this list and seek out the person that you need.

Co-Principals: Miss Thorrington and Mr Fox

Assistant Principals: Dr Rogers, Mrs Cook, Mrs Ault and Miss Brill

SENDCO: Miss Hague

Transition Lead: Mr Stewart

Year Seven Inclusion Officer: Mrs Z Smith

KS3 Learning Mentors: Ms Brader, Ms Cullum and Mrs C Jay


Getting to know you

When families have made their choices and we receive, from the admissions team at Suffolk County Council, the allocations for September, we contact all families to make an initial introduction.

Between March and June, our Transition Lead and members of the Inclusion team visit the primary schools to meet with the class teachers and to share information about the children coming to us in September. This ensures that any relevant information is passed on and helps us to get to know our new students and plan ahead.

In addition to the two transition days that we offer in June, there will also be a presentation evening for all parents/carers and Year 6 students to allow them to get to know some of the key staff who will be taking care of their child for the next five years. Both the transition days and the presentation evening is a great opportunity for our new students to get to know more about us and for them to meet their new teachers and friends.