Useful Links

More support to help you make the move.

Starting secondary school is an exciting time for our pupils, but it can also be a challenging time too. We recognise that this can also be a worrying time for the parents and carers as well, as the transition brings a huge amount of change into your households as well.

The BBC and YoungMinds have created some extremely useful resources to help families through the transition.  Click on the links below to videos for both students and parents/carers which are designed to help families through the transition period.

For students:

Moving up

Making new friends

Will I lose my old friends?

The size of the school

Coping with classwork

Year 7: A day in the life

Favourite things about secondary school

Braydon vs Mr Burton: The truth about starting secondary school


For parents/carers:

Parental survival guide and cheat sheet

Supporting a child moving to secondary school (BBC)

Supporting a child moving to secondary school (Anna Freud)

Starting secondary school with Special Educational Needs

Mr Burton’s top five tips for mobile phone and online safety


Resources from YoungMinds

Supporting school transitions