
Ipswich Academy’s behaviour approach aims to support staff and pupils to develop positive relationships which will lead to a secure learning environment for all.

Teaching and learning can only take place in an atmosphere of calm purposefulness. The academy’s approach to behaviour management aims to foster in students:

  • Good learning behaviours, e.g. listening, attention, participation, effort, positive attitude, co-operation
  • Positive and pro-social values
  • Self esteem and confidence
  • A positive attitude about their abilities
  • A sense of responsibility for their actions
  • An understanding of cause and consequence.
School break times are a great chance to meet up and enjoy the company of friends with smiles aplenty

School Rules and Rewards

House system

At Ipswich Academy, we have a very active House System whereby all staff and students are assigned to one of three houses.  The houses are named after our Trust’s visions and values, and are as follows:

Integrity House

Doing the right things, even when no one is watching

Community House

Working together, learning from, and supporting others

Excellence House

Enabling everyone to achieve more through education


The House System and its linked rewards system aims to:

  • Celebrate the successes of all students who strive to achieve their best in all aspects of school life;
  • Award House points to students for efforts and achievements, excellent work  and for going above and beyond around the school;
  • Get students involved in competitions and events to earn added House points, facilitating more mixing between the different year groups.
Girl typing on her phone with a cup of tea on the desk aside notebooks, string and seasonal crafting pieces

School rules:

  • We treat others with respect and dignity;
  • We are punctual for school and lessons;
  • We respect school and public property;
  • We do not use mobile telephones on school premises unless permission is given by staff;
  • We carry the correct equipment and present our work neatly;
  • We wear our school uniform correctly.


We run a C1-C3 consequences system for students:


C1 = first warning. No further action taken.

C2 = second warning. Lunchtime or afterschool detention depending on when in the day it was received.

C3 = third warning. Internal isolation within our reintegration hub for the remainder of that day. This could be extended if behaviour is not appropriate.


Students in internal isolation or after-school detention are required to stay an additional 30 minutes after the school day ends. No notice will be given. Reasonable adjustments will be made, but these will be at the absolute discretion of the school.