School break times are a great chance to meet up and enjoy the company of friends with smiles aplenty
A student enjoys the contents of a paperback picked from the Library bookshelves
An impromptu performance on guitar whilst chilling outside on the field with friends

At Ipswich Academy, we strive for a seamless transition from primary to secondary school.

Whilst Ipswich Academy has well-established links to its feeder primary schools, we also welcome children from out of catchment each academic year.

We realise the move from one school to another can be a stressful time for parents, carers and students alike, as habitual routines are replaced by new ones and familiar faces exchanged for what might, at first, appear to be strangers. It’s why we have designed this area of our website to provide new parents and carers with all the information you might need for the Year 6 to 7 transition.

We also hope that Year 6 students will be able to look at the information with their parents or carers and friends before joining us in September. We believe that doing this will promote discussion about the new school year and allay some of the anxieties about the change ahead.

The teachers take their time to help us and give us assistance when we need it.
Noah Elliott Year 7
Our transition programme has been designed to enable all of our new pupils to feel confident in what Ipswich Academy has to offer and to develop their awareness of the opportunities available to them, so that they can flourish and become good learners.
Mrs Smith Inclusion Officer

The aims of transition 2024

  • To provide a warm welcome and address any concerns or misconceptions about the start in September
  • To support students and their parents and carers through the challenges of starting at secondary school
  • To set high expectations for all pupils, to ensure that they understand what is expected of them and their conduct at Ipswich Academy

Through our core values of integrity, community and excellence, we aim to nurture pupils who are honest, hardworking and strive for success in and out of school. Our aim is to help pupils become the next generation of well-rounded, caring and responsible young adults who would be employable in whichever industry they hope to join.

The engagement of student and teacher is evident within the classroom scenario
Hands up from a group of students eager to answer the posed question