Ipswich Academy is an inclusive school – we make sure every child has every chance to receive a good education, whatever their circumstances.

In England, it is estimated that 14.6% of all pupils have a Special Educational Need (SEN). Many of these children and young people, particularly those with complex SEN needs, too often end up outside mainstream education, despite parents/carers and the children themselves having a strong preference for effective inclusion.

We make sure every child has the opportunity to receive a good education by using a ‘person centred’ approach which ensures parents/carers and pupils are consulted and collaborated with throughout their time at our school. We create a safe, affirming and consistent environment for pupils, and provide activities which promote social skills and emotional development.

Most pupils with Special Educational Needs join us when they make the transition from Year 6 into Year 7. To make this a smooth step up we liaise with the SENCo at the primary school to ensure all relevant information is provided to us. This way we can plan ahead and be certain we’ll be able to meet the pupil’s needs. Our SENCo will also conduct a number of transition visits to the primary school to observe and work with relevant staff to further support transition. All Year 6 pupils have two standard secondary transition days, and we arrange an extra six visits for SEN pupils throughout the spring and summer term to prepare them as fully as possible for the change.

"Paradigm offers a very high level of expertise in special educational needs within our existing school network."
Bill Holledge CEO, Paradigm Trust

Our team at Ipswich Academy comprises a SENCo, Assistant SENDCo and twelve specialist Teaching Assistants. Throughout the year we monitor and review students who have, or may have, SEN needs by looking at their education, health and care plan each year. This allows us to form and implement plans aimed at closing gaps in knowledge and supporting students to develop their independence and social-communication skills. All students with SEN have a pupil profile that is updated each term containing strategies and targets to support their academic and pastoral development.

Teaching Assistants support SEN students in mainstream lessons, working with the teacher to help deliver an appropriate curriculum which supports the pupil’s learning. Where a student has a specific difficulty we provide an intervention, which along with Quality First Teaching can allow students to independently access the curriculum. These interventions focus on the development of literacy, numeracy and social skills

As pupils with SEN come towards the end of their time with us in Years 10 and 11, we support them with their post-16 pathway. The careers advisor, pastoral support and SENCo liaise with post-16 education providers to ensure that all key inclusion information is shared and relevant support is in place to give pupils the best chance of succeeding in post-16 education or training.

If you would like to find out more about SEN provision at Ipswich Academy, please contact Lauren Hague or Joanne Adams on 01473 550040, or email, to discuss it.

Find out more about how Paradigm Trust supports young people with SEND using this link.