Student information

Every student at Ipswich Academy has the opportunity to take part in a number of careers and enterprise activities throughout the year.

Highlights for our students include our work experience week and the many enterprise and employer activities we host in school. Every year the group has the opportunity to explore careers through careers lessons which are taught as part of the PSHE timetable.

We are always pleased to hear how you are progressing with your careers learning and welcome feedback on which activities you have enjoyed or have particularly benefited from. The careers team is committed to help you prepare for your future whichever route you take, so please do engage in the many opportunities that are available to you.

Career information

Career information is available from the careers office and in displays around the school or is disseminated via base group tutors and year group assemblies. The careers office includes a range of post-16 prospectuses, career guides, apprenticeship and employer information, as well as guides on job-search activities.

Unifrog – Online careers platform for all year groups

As part of the careers guidance and education programme we deliver at Ipswich Academy you have been given access to Unifrog. This online careers platform will help you to assess your  interests and skills, as well as letting you explore and research different education and career options, enabling you to make informed decisions about your future.

In addition to school time, we are encouraging the use of it at home to help you navigate and understand some of the important decisions you have to make about your future options.

To access Unifrog, please click here and login using the access details shared with you via your school email.

Icanbea…. A directory of industry information, career videos and job suggestions

Icanbea is an online careers fair and a directory of local and national industry information, careers videos and job suggestions. The site has a job board of live apprenticeships, part time jobs, work experience and volunteering opportunities. Icanbea has been specifically designed for students in Suffolk and Norfolk. The content includes:

  • 400 job ideas as well as live opportunities posted daily
  • 360+ profiled employers and support organisations from Norfolk & Suffolk
  • 80,000 visitors and 11,000+ registered users since launch
  • Free website & app with social media feel
  • Careers ‘wizard’ and user favourites page.

Icanbea is free and all year groups have been trained how to use it. For more information please click here.