Careers Education
Choosing what subjects to study in years 10 and 11 is the first step in preparation for life after Ipswich Academy.
Students will be supported throughout the option process by the careers team as well as staff delivering careers education sessions in base group time, assemblies and PSHE lessons. In addition, students will have had virtual and face to face experiences with local education and training providers as well as employers in the lead up to them choosing their GCSE subjects. Careers education and support will be ongoing when students are in year 10 and 11 including one to one meetings with the careers lead, careers based classroom activities and interactions with post 16 providers.
The options available at Ipswich Academy will offer students choice in securing a post 16 route. Every student has to study English, mathematics and science as well as PSHE and PE. If students do not achieve a GCSE pass (grade 4 or above) in English and mathematics then these subjects will have to be studied again post 16.
Getting advice
Take time to think about your decision.
You’ll be studying the subjects you choose for the next two years and the choices you make now can also affect your future direction. Talk to a range of people to get different views. Speak to your parents, carers or relatives for a variety of opinions.
What to think about
Consider which subjects you are good at, are interested in or enjoy.
The way courses are marked may also affect your choices. This is usually a mix of exams, controlled assessment (work completed on your own at school), and coursework, but the amount of marks awarded for each area can vary.
Choosing a balance of subjects may help to keep your future options open.
If you’re trying to choose between two subjects, think about how each option fits with your other GCSEs. Does a subject go well with your other choices? Or does a subject provide a welcome change? If you’re taking lots of essay-based subjects for example, it can be beneficial to include one choice with a more practical focus.
Planning your future
It’s worth looking ahead, as decisions you make now may narrow your choices later.
University courses have set entry requirements and may require certain subjects at A-level. In the same way, you many need a GCSE in a subject to study it at A-level. Check carefully as this is not always the case and you can start some subjects from scratch at A-level and university.
While your working life may seem years away, giving some thought to your career ideas now can make a real difference to your future and aspirations.
More information on careers and decision making
Ipswich Academy has subscribed to the online careers platform Unifrog which can be accessed by students and their parents/carers. Unifrog provides all the information needed to make informed decisions about future careers and which subjects, courses and training are required to reach a career destination.
Useful careers websites: – interactive resources to help explore interests, skills and career pathways – information and advice for young people in Suffolk. – explore potential career opportunities across Suffolk. – have many resources available online or you can arrange to speak to an advisor for free phone call. – take the careers quiz to explore your interests and personal strengths.