Announcements | 7th October 2020

Year 11 information session

On Monday, we hosted a year 11 information session, unformtunatley there were a number of technical issues. To view the presentation, please click on this link to access the student hub, your child will need to log in with their school Google account to view the presentation.

If you have any further questions, please use the contact us button on our website.

News, Resources | 6th October 2020

Virtual Open Evening

Please click here to navigate to our Virtual Open Evening page.

News | 2nd October 2020

World Mental Health Day

Announcements | 30th September 2020

Year 11 information session

Dear parent / carer

We are now into our fourth week of students returning full-time back to school post school closure, for our year 11 students it has been an incredibly positive start. Due to the absence of year 11 ‘boot camp’ due to the current restrictions, we felt it important to officially launch our year 11 support package and make you aware of key information that you need to know. 

We will be holding a year 11 information session on Monday 5th October at 5.00pm virtually using google meet. The meeting will cover the following;

  • Intervention sessions
  • Mock exams
  • Effective revision strategies
  • Information from the core GCSE subjects (English, maths and science)
  • Post 16 options 
  • Well-being support 

We will send invites for the google meet to students’ Paradigm email addresses. We will also record the session to allow you catch up should you miss it. 

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me via the school phone number and email address.

Yours faithfully,

Maled Akhlak
Head of Progress

Announcements | 23rd September 2020

Planning for Post 16

Dear parents and carers, 

Planning for Post 16:

The careers team at Ipswich Academy are here to support your child as they prepare for their next stage in education. This letter outlines all the relevant information that I believe you need to know at this time in order to support your child with their next steps.

In order to prepare students for this we will be hosting virtual assemblies explaining post-16 options from both the careers team and our post-16 partners.  In addition, students will also have the opportunity to have a personal guidance session to discuss their available options. Every Year 11 student has access to KUDOS, an online careers platform which they can use at home or school to research jobs profiles, labour market information, post 16 and post 18 support as well as creating a CV.

The government’s current policy is that all young people in England are required to continue in education or training until at least their 18th birthday ( This means that our Year 11 students must decide about whether to continue studying either at a college, sixth form, training centre or to start employment combined with education on an apprenticeship or traineeship. Due to high demands for apprenticeships or traineeships, we recommend students also apply to college/sixth form as a backup option.

Please find attached to this letter a guide which provides detail about the options available to students, along with what they need to do at each stage to research, apply for and secure a college or apprenticeship place for next academic year. 

I have outlined below current dates where Post-16 providers have announced their open events. The providers will then begin to interview students for places in late November/early December.

  • Suffolk ONE – Saturday 10th October 9.30-12.30 – Applications open from 10th October 2020
  • Northgate –  Applications and new prospectus  are available from 1st October.  Each subject area is producing a short video that outlines the courses available and links to careers opportunities. Interviews will run from November 2020 – February 2021.   The deadline for applications will be Friday 29th January 2021.
  • Suffolk New College –  Virtual open event Thursday 15th October 6pm 
  • Kesgrave – Open event 29th September 6.30pm – 8.30pm. Applications are open now and will close Friday 29th of January 2021.
  • Copleston – check website for dates for virtual open events over the next couple of weeks. Applications are open now.
  • St Albans – Check website for open events dates and when applications are open.

I am expecting further information from our post-16 providers in the next couple of weeks. As soon as I receive any updates about open events, applications or virtual tours, I will forward this information on to you. 

In the meantime, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at school.

Yours sincerely, 

Victoria Addis
Careers Lead 

News | 17th September 2020

Flu Immunisation information

Announcements | 17th September 2020

Academy council nominations

Dear parents/carers,

Ipswich Academy currently has an Academy Council and I am looking to extend the number of people actively involved.

I am therefore writing to ask whether you would like to send in a nomination – for yourself or another parent/carer. The nomination form is attached to this letter. All you need to do is, fill in the form (here), including a short statement about yourself and a passport sized photograph (optional) and return it to a member of our reception team by 9am on Friday 2nd October 2017. Information about parents/carers who may not be eligible to be nominated is attached. 

Details of those who have been nominated will be sent to all parent/carers on Wednesday 7th October. An election will be held if there are more nominations than the current vacancy number and every parent/carer will be able to vote.  We will be sending you information about this later.

Academy Council members would be expected to serve for a period of two years. The Academy Council is responsible for facilitating communication between the parents/carers of pupils at the Academy and the Principal. Academy council meetings will be held once every term.  All parents/ carers are invited to these meetings.

Through the academy council and councillors, parents/carers may:

  • Ask questions of the Principal about the operation of the Academy and its performance
  • Raise issues of concern with the Principal about the operation of the Academy
  • Attend the annual Trust conference and/or the Academy’s INSET days
  • Provide papers to either the Education Committee or Operations & Finance Committee of the Board.

We do hope that you will think about becoming a member of the Academy Council. If you would like more information about what is involved, please feel free to make an appointment with myself at school.

Yours faithfully,

Abbie Thorrington

Announcements | 15th September 2020

Letter from Miss Thorrington

Dear students, parents and carers, 

We are now into our second full week of the new year, and I want to take this opportunity to congratulate all students on the fantastic start that has been made. They  have been incredibly focused in their lessons and are working very hard to minimise the disruption that school closures caused to their learning.

I would like to thank parents and carers for your continued support in getting all students back into school safely over the past month. All of us are committed to providing the best education possible for your child, while securing the health and safety of our whole school community. Thank you for continuing to follow public health guidelines and encouraging your children to do the same. We take into consideration suggestions and have made some very small changes to the running of the school in light of feedback.  We have had a lot of questions regarding the wearing of masks during the school day. Currently, students and staff can wear masks if they wish and their use remains optional. If there are any changes to the Government guidance, and we in turn update our guidance, you will be communicated with immediately.

To ensure we maximise ventilation around the academy, we do currently have all windows and internal doors open to promote air flow. Our aim is to continue this, there may therefore be instances in the near further where we allow students to wear jumpers and coats in their lessons. 

As previously discussed, I am pleased to announce that we will be opening up the SYSZ from Monday 21st September for year 11 students to do independent study. The SYSZ will be open daily from 7.30am-8.45am before school, and after school 3.00pm-4.30pm. Students will be expected to be completing work once they arrive, the SYSZ is not an area for social gathering. We are currently looking at ways in which we can open the study hub safely for year 7-10 students and will communicate with you further on this in due course. 

Over the course of the last week, all year 7 students have completed numeracy and literacy tests in order to gauge a baseline of their overall ability. I would like to say a big well done to every student on the way in which  they conducted themselves during the tests.. We are now in the process of allocating students to class sets to ensure that lessons are appropriately challenging for thierability level. Your child’s new grouping will take effect from Monday 21st September There will be no changes to the base group that students are currently in. 

Attached to this letter is further information around a breakfast opportunity for all students, as well as details on our updated invacuation procedure. As a matter of course, we will be carrying out drills for our invacuation procedure this half term. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the school.

Thank you again for your continued support.

Yours faithfully 

Abbie Thorrington

Breakfast support 

We are pleased to inform you that Ipswich Academy has joined the government’s National School Breakfast Programme (NSBP), which is being delivered by the charities Family Action and Magic Breakfast.

As an NSBP school, we are pleased to offer nutritious breakfast packs for students to take home. These breakfast packs are available to all year groups, so all students can benefit. From Thursday 17th September, students will be able to collect breakfast packs from their respective ‘bubble’ areas of the school listed below once their school day has finished:

Year 7- red canteen
Year 8- main hall
Year 9- blue canteen
Year 10- grey canteen
Year 11- SYSZ

Each pack should last two weeks at which point students can collect their next pack. Students will be notified of this arrangement through year group assemblies.

Initially we will have limited packs available for each year group as we need to get an idea of the number of students that will take up this offer. If the need is there, we will then increase our order with NBSP and ensure that we have sufficient numbers of breakfast packs to meet demand.

This is an opportunity to ensure students have a nutritious breakfast before coming to school so that they are ready for their learning. We hope that students take advantage of this.

If you would like any further information then please do not hesitate to contact Maled Akhlak.

Invacuation procedures

At Ipswich Academy, we take safeguarding and safety very seriously. It is important that we continue to review all our procedures, taking into account even those events that are very unlikely to occur. As part of this process, we have introduced a new procedure called “invacuation”.

I am writing to inform you that we will be practising this procedure this half term.

An invacuation procedure is a standard health and safety procedure, similar to a fire drill. Our invacuation procedure would be used when there is a threat to the safety of pupils, staff and others outside the school, and when it is safer for everyone to remain in school than evacuate. The aim is to keep people safe by confining them to a secure place.

Presently the threat of these are low. However, it is low threat not ‘no threat’ and therefore schools should have a contingency plan and procedures in place to deal with it similar to fire procedures.

Unlike fire procedures, which in most cases mean evacuating to an external assembly area, this will most likely require ‘invacuation’ to a safe area(s). These are places that are safer than staying where you are and safer than immediately evacuating.

Prior to our drill, staff will take time to talk to pupils about lockdown procedures and explain why they are important. They will reassure pupils after the drill that they are safe, and will emphasise that practising procedures like this will make sure the school remains a safe place to learn.

I must stress again this is simply a practice, so that in the unlikely event of such a situation, our pupils and staff are fully prepared.

If you or your child have any further concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to contact Samual Fox. 

Announcements | 14th September 2020

Catch-up Programme for Years 10’s

Please see a letter here regarding immunisation catch up’s for year 10.

Announcements | 11th September 2020

Year 11 wellbeing

Dear Parents/ Carers

Year 11- Wellbeing Support Sessions

Year 11 is a challenging year and this year is no exception to the rule. With this in mind, we want to ensure all our year 11 students have support to help them navigate positively and successfully through the academic year.

Year 11 students are being offered the chance to access Wellbeing Support Sessions. These will take place within school time and will be delivered by registered nurses Annie O’Neill and Sue Miller. 

Both Annie and Sue have worked with the school on many occasions, attending year 11 bootcamp, providing wellbeing sessions for KS4 students and also delivering Relationship & Sex Education content within the PSHE curriculum. Feedback from students has been extremely positive, especially relating to the relationships and trust built between the students and the nurses.

The aim of the Wellbeing Support sessions is to support student’s positive mental health and wellbeing, especially during these unprecedented times and in the lead up to GCSE examinations. The sessions will initially take place over the next 7 weeks on a Thursday afternoon, with the possibility of extending the support further if it is needed. 

Each session will accommodate small groups of approximately 6-10 students. Students will need to sign up to these sessions if they would like to attend. There will also be opportunities for students to have one-to-one sessions with a wellbeing nurse if required. We will also be offering a ‘drop-in’ session for students, parents and carers to attend every Thursday, 3.15-4.30pm.

Students can sign up to these sessions by accessing this Google Form or by speaking to their Base Group Tutor to be added to the list. We will then inform students on Thursday which session they will be in. 

If you do not want your child to take part in these sessions, please ‘Opt Out‘ by emailing or calling reception.  If we do not hear from you, we will take it that you consent to your child accessing the support if they wish. 

If you would like to discuss this further, please do not hesitate to get into contact. 

Yours faithfully

Mrs A Cook
PSHE & Positive Mental Health and Wellbeing Lead

Last updated September 11, 2020