Announcements | 30th November 2015

Dates for your diary

Please click here for important dates for the remainder of the academic year.

Announcements | 29th November 2015

Top links to careers websites

Announcements | 23rd November 2015

Parent/carer consultation dates for the remainder of the academic year

More information will be communicated nearer the time but please note the following dates for parent/carer consultation meetings for the various year groups:

  • 17/12 for Y8 – 1515-1815
  • 11/2 for Y10 – 1515-1815
  • 24/3 for Y9 (including options presentation) – 1530-1800 and then 1830-2100
  • 26/5 for Y7 – 1515-1815

Additional meetings will be set up for parents/carers of Y11 students, on an ‘as needed’ basis.

We intend to use an online booking system to enable parents/carers to make appointments to meet with subject teachers. Provision will also be made for parents/carers who are not able to use the online system to make appointments.

Announcements | 19th November 2015

Family Awareness Day – UCS Ipswich – Saturday 27th February 2016

Students in Years 7, 8 and 9 and their parents/carers are invited to University Campus Suffolk to find out more about studying a degree at university. Higher education may seem a long way off but the choices made at school do affect options at 16 and 18.

This is a free event, which runs from 11.30am – 3pm and a fantastic opportunity to learn more about university and to meet with current UCS students. During the event students will take part in a fun programme of activities, while parents learn more about the benefits of higher education and student finance.

A tour of the campus and a free buffet lunch will be provided for all attendees. Students and parents can find further information and book a place via this link:

For further information students and parents can email

Family Awareness Day 27 February 2016

Announcements | 13th November 2015

Year 11 students debut as theatre critics!

Three of our Y11 students have published an insightful critique of Alan Ayckbourn’s comedy Absent Friends, which was recently performed by London Classic Theatre at the New Wolsey Theatre. The full review is available here. Well done all!

Announcements | 11th November 2015

What work – Suffolk

Suffolk County Council, in conjunction with the National Careers Service and The Source, have produced a really useful overview guide relating to employment opportunities, both locally and further afield.

What Work – Suffolk 2015-16

Announcements | 10th November 2015

Senior year study centre opens Monday 16 November

In order to support our Y11-14 students as they work towards qualifications, we are making the sixth form area available as our ‘senior year study centre.’ As of Monday 16 November, the study centre will be open from 7:30am until 5pm Monday to Friday. Grab and go breakfast will be available – at no charge – for students who wish to study/revise before lessons start. Fruit and water will be available throughout the day. We will develop the centre further over the coming weeks – watch this space for updates! All suggestions welcome – from students, parents and carers!

Announcements | 6th November 2015

Revised detention arrangements

From Monday 9 November, students who have detentions will be expected to make their own way to the detention venue at the end of the school day; they will no longer be collected by staff. Any students who fail to attend or successfully complete a detention will be internally excluded the following day or the next day they attend school if absent.

Announcements | 2nd November 2015

Inspection outcome – September 2015

Ofsted has recently completed a monitoring inspection of Ipswich Academy. The report is available from the Ofsted web site.

Announcements | 29th October 2015

Train to Teach Roadshow – Tuesday 10 November 2015 at Trinity Park, Ipswich

Paradigm Trust/Ipswich Academy are pleased to announce that we will be exhibiting at the Train to Teach Roadshow event on Tuesday 10 November 2015 at Trinity Park, Ipswich. The event will be open to the public between 5 and 8pm. Information will be available as to the primary and secondary opportunities available within Paradigm Trust, both in Ipswich and in London. Information concerning our subject knowledge enhancement (SKE) offer  will also be available.

Further information, including booking, is available here.

Diary date – Paradigm Trust will also be exhibiting at the Chelmsford event (24 November) and the Norwich event (11 February 2016).

Last updated October 29, 2015