Announcements | 9th June 2016

We’re hiring…lead science technician

We have an energetic and forward thinking science faculty which is looking for a lead technician with a passion for supporting good science in schools. Good management, technical skills and an awareness and working knowledge of health and safety best practice are essential.

The Lead Science Technician will organise and execute the delivery and development of technical services in order to support the science curriculum in the academy for all students.

Candidates with a physics subject bias are particularly encouraged to apply. All applicants should have working experience supporting a department in biology, chemistry and physics.

Further information and an application form are attached.

Completed applications should be returned by email to Gina Garwood, HR Officer at

All applicants must have due regard for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people, and if successful will be required to comply with the Trust’s safeguarding policies and procedures.

Salary:  Scale 5, Point 22 £20,253 to Point 25 £22,212 pro rata

37 hours per week (weeks per year to be confirmed)

Required as soon as possible

Closing date:  1 July 2016

Announcements | 31st May 2016

Examination timetables for Y7-10

These can be accessed, below. Please note that these timetables only indicate core subject (English, mathematics, science) examination times – other examinations will be scheduled to take place during subject lessons and students will be informed of the dates/times by their subject teachers.

Summer 2016 Y 10 exams timetable

Summer 2016 Y7-9 exams timetable

Announcements | 29th May 2016

Y11 attendance requirements until the end of the academic year

Y11 students are required to be in school, as normal, unless informed to the contrary. We will continue to manage student attendance and absence until the end of the academic year.

The timetable for Y11 will continue as normal, with specific modifications in place to reflect examinations and revision sessions, until the end of Friday 10 June. From Monday 13 June, Y11 students will have a modified timetable, with opportunities for study towards, and examination of, the European Computer Driving Licence (ECDL) qualification. In order to ensure that we use the IT suites as efficiently as possible, in this period of high demand, students will be able to sign up for ECDL sessions in advance. For the period Monday 13 June to Friday 24 June, if students do not have examinations or timetabled revision sessions to attend, and they have either completed the ECDL or there are no learning sessions available to sign up for, they are not required to attend school.

Friday 24 June is the last day of structured, timetabled lessons for Y11 students. From Monday 27 June, Y11 students are no longer required to attend the academy on a daily basis provided that:

  • they have completed their ECDL qualification to an acceptable standard (as determined by the academy)
  • they have completed their V-Cert business education course (if appropriate)
  • they have attended their product design examination on Monday 27 June (if appropriate)
  • they have met all the requirements of the leavers’ checklist, which will shortly be issued by Mr Akhlak
  • they are not required to attend by any member of staff.

For the period Monday 13 June onwards, students are required to sign in at the Senior Year Study Zone (SYSZ), and sign out when they leave. There will be no further base group registration sessions from Monday 13 June onwards. However, when students have morning examinations they are required to be in school by 7:45am. Students who have examinations in the afternoon will be required to attend the academy that morning. Students must sign out when they leave the academy.

ECDL learning and examination sessions will be available beyond the normal end of the school day and this will be arranged day by day in line with demand for these sessions.

Attendance at the Y11 prom is dependent on:

  • completion of the ECDL qualification to an acceptable standard (as determined by the academy)
  • meeting all the requirements of the leavers’ checklist.

Announcements | 27th May 2016

Important update – Y11 – SYSZ opening times and revision sessions

The SYSZ remains open for independent revision 10am-2pm every weekend, including Bank Holiday Monday, and every day over the half term break, until all examinations are complete.

In addition, a range of revision sessions have been arranged. Attendance is compulsory for students who take these subjects.

  • Bank Holiday Monday 30 May – business revision – 1000-1230
  • Tuesday 31 May – mathematics revision – 1000-1300
  • Thursday 2 June – mathematics revision – 1000-1300
  • Saturday 4 June – geography revision – 1000-1200
  • Sunday 5 June – mathematics revision – 1000-1200
  • Sunday 5 June – history revision – 0900-1300

Announcements | 16th May 2016

Transition days for current Y6 pupils who will join Ipswich Academy as Y7 students in September 2016

Y6 transition days (for Y6 pupils who will join Ipswich Academy in September 2016, to visit the academy and spend time with staff) have been organised as follows:

  • Thursday 7 July
  • Friday 8 July

Please note that parents/carers of pupils are invited to attend at 2:15pm on Thursday 7 July.

Announcements | 29th April 2016

Changes to the Paradigm Trust Board of Directors

Please click here to view a letter relating to changes to the Paradigm Trust Board of Directors.

Announcements | 28th April 2016

Subject consultation meeting for Y7 students, parents/carers – Thursday 26th May, 3:15-6:15pm

The booking system is available here.

Appointments with each teacher will last for ten minutes. All meetings will take place in the school hall. Booking will be on a first come, first served basis and the booking system is now open. The number of appointments will, initially, be limited to five for each student to ensure that all parents/carers are able to participate. Nearer to the time, if additional appointments are available, we will release these into the booking system and notify you.

In order to login to the system, you will need the following information relating to your child, as held in our database:

  • child’s first name
  • child’s surname
  • child’s date of birth
  • child’s register class

You will also need to enter the details we have on record for you. If you have recently changed your title or surname, for example, and not informed us, we will be expecting you to login with the details we have on record. The email address you enter is only used to receive a confirmation of your appointment. If the system gives you an error when you login, it will not be the email address that is the problem.

If you do not have access to the Internet, or experience any problems with using the system, please contact the school and ask to speak with Mrs Winstone.

Subject teachers will meet with you and your child on an individual basis to provide clear feedback on your child’s learning. You will also have an opportunity to review your child’s exercise books.

Students are required to attend, with their parent/carer.

Announcements | 27th April 2016

Important update – Y11 examination arrangements

Please click here to view the letter which will be posted on Thursday 28 April.

Additional reminder documents are available below.

Exam equipment requirements

Warning to candidates

Exam_check_list for students

Announcements | 13th April 2016

Final deadline for catering and hospitality GCSE coursework – Tuesday 19 April

The final deadline for all catering and hospitality GCSE coursework is Tuesday 19 April. Coursework must be handed to Mrs Arrowsmith by 2:40pm (with some flexibility over timings for students who are also completing French controlled assessments that day).

By this date, coursework must have been…

  • proof read
  • spell checked
  • correctly paginated.

Additionally, all student paperwork must be signed and exam photographs etc. printed out in the final format for submission.

A final after school session to support students in completing their coursework has been arranged for Thursday 14 April.


Announcements | 20th March 2016

Easter period – term dates

The final day before the Easter break is Thursday 24 March. Students return on Monday 11 April. Y11 students have a programme of additional learning sessions scheduled for throughout the Easter period, and the Senior Year Study Zone is available every day, 10am-2pm, apart from Easter Saturday; Easter Sunday; Bank Holiday Monday.

Last updated March 20, 2016