Uncategorised | 23rd February 2017

Whole School Information Letter

Please click here to access the letter.

Announcements | 13th February 2017

Academy Closure – Staff Training

The final staff training day will be on Friday 17th March.  The academy will be closed to all students that day.

Announcements | 25th January 2017

Academy Closure – Staff Training

The next staff training day will be Friday 3rd March. The academy will be closed to students on that day.

Announcements | 23rd January 2017

Online homework information letter

Following the widespread use of online homework in different subjects, we have re-issued usernames and passwords for all students so that they have one account for all online learning. A letter has been sent home with all students today.

There is also a letter attached here for information.

Announcements | 20th January 2017

Spring Term Parent Focus Group Meeting

All families are warmly invited to the next Parent Focus Group meeting which will take place at school at 9.00am and 6pm on Wednesday 25th January.

Announcements | 12th January 2017

Y11 January and February Examination Dates

The Year 11 internal mock examinations will take place from the 30th January to the 10th February.


Real external examinations will take place for the following subjects:

Business 1st February to 7th February 2017

Catering 7th February to 10th February 2017

Announcements | 12th January 2017

Train to teach with Paradigm Trust – Ipswich information event – 24 January 2017 – Ipswich Town Hall

Are you thinking about kick-starting an exciting new career in teaching? If so, the Ipswich Train to Teach roadshow is the perfect opportunity for you to learn all you need to know about teacher training and how to apply.

Who is this event for?

The event is designed for anyone who has a degree and is interested in teaching – particularly those who are considering starting their initial teacher training in September 2017. It offers a great opportunity to get all your questions about teaching and teacher training answered.

What to expect

If you attend the event you’ll be able to:

  • discuss the different teacher training options available, to help you decide which would best suit you
  • meet representatives from our own and other schools/universities that deliver teacher training in this area, and find out about their courses and entry requirements
  • receive advice on submitting a successful UCAS application
  • talk to practising teachers, including those who have changed career to teach, about what a career as a teacher is really like
  • find out about bursaries, scholarships and funding available for teacher training.

A downloadable/printable leaflet is available here.

How to register


We look forward to meeting you.

Announcements | 10th January 2017

Updated behaviour policy

The Board of Paradigm Trust has approved an updated behaviour policy, which is available from here. The main amendments relate to the arrangements around permanent exclusions – the policy now explicitly references the prevailing guidance from the Department for Education.


Announcements | 6th January 2017

Subject consultation meeting for Y7 students, parents/carers – Thursday 9 February

The booking system is available here.

Individual teacher consultation appointments will take place 4:30-7.30pm. Subject teachers will meet with you and your child on an individual basis to provide clear feedback on your child’s learning. You will also have an opportunity to review your child’s exercise books.

All meetings will take place in the school hall. Booking will be on a first come, first served basis and the booking system is now open. The number of appointments will, initially, be limited to five for each student to ensure that all parents/carers are able to participate. Nearer to the time, if additional appointments are available, we will release these into the booking system and notify you.

In order to login to the system, you will need the following information relating to your child, as held in our database:

  • Child’s first name
  • Child’s surname
  • Child’s date of birth
  • Child’s register class  (in the form of e.g. 10-1)

You will need to enter the details we have on record for you. If you have recently changed your title or surname, for example, and not informed us, we will be expecting you to login with the details we have on record. The email address you enter is only used to receive a confirmation of your appointment. If the system gives you an error when you login, it will not be the email address that is the problem.

If you do not have access to the Internet, or experience any problems with using the system, please contact the school and ask to speak with Miss Ring.

Students are required to attend, with their parent/carer.

Announcements | 3rd January 2017

Transfer of management of Murrayfield Primary

Murrayfield Community Primary School in Ipswich is the latest school to be transferred to the management of Paradigm Trust. The transfer is effective as of 1 January 2017.

Murrayfield, which has been in special measures since September 2015, is being transferred at the order of the Department for Education. Paradigm Trust was chosen as Murrayfield’s sponsoring trust because of its local connections and strong track record in improving failing schools. Paradigm Trust already runs Ipswich Academy, which has just achieved its best-ever GCSE results, and three primary schools in London (two of which are rated outstanding by Ofsted and the other good with three outstanding features).

The school’s new name is Murrayfield Primary Academy.

Amanda Phillips CBE, Chief Executive Officer of Paradigm Trust, will be principal of Murrayfield. She said:

“Paradigm Trust’s aim is to give children the educational opportunities they deserve. We are working hard to do that with our existing schools and I am confident we shall be able to do the same for the children at Murrayfield.

“I have met many Murrayfield parents and we understand that change is unsettling. We are keen that they know that we are not interested in change for change’s sake. Everything that is good for the children will continue, but we will take immediate steps to raise the quality of teaching and educational standards.

“The key to improving standards is great teaching. There will be changes as we improve the teaching in the school but we will keep them informed about those.  One of our main objectives is that the school is staffed in a way that allows us to deliver the outstanding education that we believe every child deserves.”

All staff currently at Murrayfield will transfer to Paradigm Trust under TUPE legislation.

At Ipswich Academy, Amanda will be replaced by Helen Winn, formerly associate principal, who takes on the role of interim principal.

Media enquiries

For further enquiries, please contact the Paradigm Trust media team on 020 7618 9194, or email paradigmtrust@luther.co.uk.

Notes to Editor

Paradigm Trust is a multi academy trust, formed in September 2013, when the two founding schools, Old Ford Primary Academy (OFPA) and Culloden Primary Academy (CPA), converted to Academy status. In September 2014, Solebay Primary Academy (previously called CET Primary School Tower Hamlets) transferred to Paradigm Trust and Ipswich Academy (previously run by the Learning Schools Trust) transferred in September 2015.

Last updated January 3, 2017