Uncategorised | 14th March 2019

Recent letters

Please see below letters sent out earlier this month:

Uncategorised | 4th March 2019

Ofsted inspection

Please find below documents relating to Ofsteds inspection of Ipswich Academy.

Letter to parents/carers

Guide for parents/carers

Announcements | 17th January 2019

Ipswich Star feature

Please click to read:

Minimum £53,000 boost to schools in Ipswich Opportunity Area

Announcements | 8th January 2019

Year 11 information

Please find on this page a selection of information for year 11 students and their parents/carers

Intervention schedule

Uncategorised | 7th January 2019

Year 11 consultation evening

Appointments are available for you to meet with your child’s teachers on Thursday 24th January, 4:30pm to 7:30pm. You are able to book five minute appointment slots for each subject teacher using our electronic booking system. This is accessed from the link below:


Appointments with each teacher will last for five minutes. Booking will be on a first come, first served basis and the booking system is now open.

In order to login to the system, you will need the following information relating to your child, as held in our database:

  • First name
  • Surname
  • Date of birth
  • Register class

You will also need to enter the details we have on record for you. If you have recently changed your title or surname, for example, and not informed us, we will be expecting you to login with the details we have on record. The email address you enter is only used to receive a confirmation of your appointment. If the system gives you an error when you login, it will not be the email address that is the problem.

If you do not have access to the Internet, or experience any problems with using the system, please contact the school and ask to speak with Linda Winstone.

Subject teachers will meet with you and your child on an individual basis to provide clear feedback on your child’s learning. You will also have an opportunity to review your child’s exercise books. As appointments are limited, if you are unable to see all of your child’s teachers then please contact the school via our email address to book a separate appointment at another time.

Your child is required to attend, with their parent/carer. Many thanks for your ongoing support.

Announcements | 19th November 2018

Paradigm Trust is seeking teachers and support staff at all levels to join Ipswich Academy

In September 2015 Ipswich Academy became the fourth school to become part of Paradigm Trust. There are a number of vacancies for teachers who are seeking to make a significant contribution. You will need to be open to fresh challenges, have high energy and commitment levels and work to the highest standards. The rewards are excellent, with performance related pay for the best teachers.

Teachers/support staff with leadership and management experience, NQTs and subject leads are welcome to get in touch to make an application. We would also like to hear from primary colleagues with experience in key stage 2. Opportunities are also available for paid graduate interns.

If you are excited by the chance to prove yourself, earn more and be part of a successful Trust, please contact us to arrange a meeting to discuss the vacancies. In the first instance email hr@paradigmtrust.org.

Announcements | 17th November 2018

ResearchEd Conference

Helen Winn, Naomi Shenton and Ben Rogers from Ipswich Academy spoke at an educational conference, researchED, today.

Please find below the presentations:

Announcements | 12th November 2018

Year 8 consultation evening

Appointments are available for you to meet with your child teachers on Thursday 13th December 2018, 4:30pm to 7:30pm.

You are able to book five minute appointment slots for each subject teacher using our electronic booking system. This is accessed from here:


Appointments with each teacher will last for five minutes. Booking will be on a first come, first served basis and the booking system is now open.
In order to login to the system, you will need the following information relating to your child as held in our database:

• First name
• Surname
• Date of birth
• Register class

You will also need to enter the details we have on record for you. If you have recently changed your title or surname, for example, and not informed us, we will be expecting you to login with the details we have on record. The email address you enter is only used to receive a confirmation of your appointment. If the system gives you an error when you login, it will not be the email address that is the problem.

If you do not have access to the Internet, or experience any problems with using the system, please contact the school and ask to speak with Linda Winstone.

Some subjects may not be available or may be fully booked on the evening, if you would like to discuss your child’s progress in subjects not available please contact the school and we will arrange for the member of staff to call you.

We would like to invite you on the evening to fill out an Ofsted Parent View questionnaire to give your views on the school, this will be available on the night in the Senior Year Study Zone and should take no more than 5 minutes to complete.

Subject teachers will meet with you and your child on an individual basis to provide clear feedback on your child’s learning. You will also have an opportunity to review your child’s exercise books.

Students are required to attend, with their parent/carer.

Many thanks for your ongoing support.

Announcements | 4th October 2018

Letter from our recent Ofsted monitoring inspection

Dear parents and carers,

On 13th September, we had an Ofsted monitoring inspection visit.  I have attached the letter which I have received from HMI Adrian Lyons who led the inspection.

Students, staff and parents/carers should be incredibly proud of the comments that are made in the letter.  The progress that we have made is a testament to the hard work and dedication of everyone in our school community.

The letter is overwhelmingly positive so I have extracted some key messages which really stand out.

“Senior leaders and the multi-academy trust (MAT) are taking effective action to tackle the areas requiring improvement in order for the school to become good.”

“Behaviour has been transformed.  Your school is a calm place where disruption is rare.”

“Relationships between leaders, staff and pupils ensure a highly productive atmosphere for learning and a positive ethos around the school.”

“A consistent approach to the delivery of lessons is apparent across the school.  Year 11 pupils consider this to be one of the major improvements in recent years.”

“You have maintained a broad curriculum at key stage 3 and at key stage 4.  A wide range of courses meet the needs and interests of pupils and enable them to achieve well in their chosen options.”

HMI monitoring inspection letter 01/10/18

We have had a very positive start to term with students showing a great attitude to their learning.  We need to make sure that all students have excellent attendance so that they continue to make rapid progress.

If you would like to discuss any aspect of the letter, please do not hesitate to contact me.

A copy of the full letter can be found here: Monitoring Letter Oct 18

Yours faithfully,


Helen Winn

Announcements | 19th September 2018

Open Evening for Years 5 and 6

We would like to invite all year 5 and 6 pupils to the Ipswich Academy Open Evening at 6.00 pm – 8.00 pm on Thursday 4th October. It will be a great opportunity for you and your families to see the fantastic things we do at the academy.

I will be making addresses at 6.00 pm and 7.00 pm to welcome you to our school.

Our students and teachers from all departments will be available talk through our curriculum with you and there will be activities for everyone to get involved in.

We can’t wait to meet you!

Yours faithfully,


Helen Winn

Last updated September 19, 2018