News | 15th July 2020

The Pink Orange – Helping Suffolk this Summer Holiday

Click here for more information about The Pink Orange.

Uncategorised | 15th July 2020

End of year 11 letter

Dear year 11 students,

The last four months have been unprecedented times for us all. I would firstly like to congratulate you all on your hard work, dedication and levels of maturity shown throughout these uncertain times. 

Following previous announcements, your GCSE results will be available for you to collect on Thursday 20 August. Our plan is for students to come and collect their results in person; however if Thursday 20 August arrives and you have coronavirus symptoms or have been advised to stay at home please do not come into school. Please call the school and we will arrange for the results to be delivered. If you are picking up your results in person, you will need to abide by social distancing and handwashing expectations. Parents/carers will have to wait outside, only students are allowed inside the school building to collect their results.

The below table outlines the times where you can come and collect your results. Please ensure you come at your allotted time, if you miss your time slot, please ensure you come after 12.00pm or call Ipswich Academy reception to arrange a convenient time to collect them. 

TimeAreaBase group
11.15 Blue11-6
12.00SYSZCatch up opportunity if you miss your slot

Throughout the day, support and guidance will be available on site for students from staff and our careers advisor. 

Thank you to everyone who has returned their loaned devices and resources, we still have a few outstanding. Please could you ensure you return them to Ipswich Academy reception. 

The team at Ipswich Academy would like to wish you all the very best in your future endeavours and we look forward to seeing you on results day. 

Take care and stay safe.

Yours faithfully,

Abbie Thorrington

News | 10th July 2020

Music Tuition

If you would like to sign your Child(ren) up for Music Tuition please click here to access the Application form.

News | 10th July 2020

Free School Meals during the Summer Holidays

Announcements | 9th July 2020

End of term letter

Dear students, parents and carers

The last three months have been unprecedented times for us all. I would firstly like to congratulate students for their hard work and persistence with their remote learning. Rest assured that the hard work that you have put in will have a real impact when you return to school . 

Secondly, I would like to thank parents and carers for their continued support throughout the school closure. We have worked hard to maintain contact with you on a weekly basis and have appreciated your positivity, input and feedback.

Looking forward to September, we are currently anticipating that we will open full-time for all students on Thursday 3 September, following the most recent announcement from the Government on 2 July 2020. We are currently working hard behind the scenes to ensure that our risk assessment and plans for re-opening are in place. Once these plans have gone through the consultation process with staff and agreed by Directors, I will share them with you all. 

Although we will plan to open on Thursday 3 September at this stage, this could be subject to change. As we have been throughout this pandemic, we are bound by guidance from the Government. We do not expect to receive full confirmation from the Government as to whether schools can re-open and which measures need to be in place before mid to late August. Once we have the information, I will communicate with you again. With this in mind, please be aware that it may be necessary to delay reopening until Monday 7 September, depending on what the Government announces to ensure the required measures are in place.

We have had some questions regarding school uniforms in September. Students will be expected to follow the school uniform policy; however, I have made a provisional change for blazers, these will be optional until 31 October. After this time, blazers will be compulsory and students will be expected to wear them at all times. 

Lastly, if you have a Chromebook and you are no longer using it, please return  it to Ipswich Academy throughout the summer holiday or in September.

Thank you, as always, for your support.

Yours faithfully

A Thorrington

Abbie Thorrington

Announcements | 29th June 2020

Face to face meetings

Dear parents/carers and student, 

I would like to take the opportunity to congratulate all students on their dedication in completing the work packs and online work since the school closures were announced, and a big thank you to parents and carers for their continued support during very difficult times.

Following confirmation from the government that schools are able to invite students in other year groups to a face-to-face meeting before the end of this term, I am pleased to announce that Ipswich Academy will be offering this opportunity to all year 7, 8 and 9 students. Students will have the opportunity to book and speak with their base group tutor virtually over Google hangouts, or face to face in school, between the 6th and 10th July. Students attending school will be expected to abide by the social distancing measures currently in place at Ipswich Academy. Students opting for a virtual face to face meeting will be sent an invite to their school email account once they have signed up.  Please click here to book an appointment; you will need to submit student name, date of birth and base group. If you do not have access to the internet or need support with booking, please contact the school reception.

Although we are not able to extend our current in school provision for year 7, 8 and 9 students due to government guidance, we feel that a face to face meeting would be of benefit prior to the expected full-time return to school for all students in September. Students will have the opportunity to speak with their base group tutor around the work they are completing at home and wellbeing. Students will also be made aware of the summer tasks that we are preparing for them. 

Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all of your support throughout these last few months.  Hopefully I will see some of you over the coming weeks, but if I don’t, I look forward to seeing you in September.

Yours faithfully,

Abbie Thorrington

Uncategorised | 24th June 2020

Addressing the ‘digital divide’

The Ipswich Star has published a report on the ways in which we are bridging the ‘digital divide’.

You can read the full report here.

Uncategorised | 24th June 2020

INSET change of date

Dear parents/carers

The school dates published at the beginning of the year stated that we had one additional INSET day to schedule. Due to the school closure to most students we still have the day outstanding. Therefore the last day of this term will be Tuesday 21st July and we will be closed to students for our INSET day on Wednesday 22nd July.

School will start again on Thursday 3rd September and I will contact you closer to the time with any changes to the school day or your child’s return.

Yours faithfully

Abbie Thorrington

Announcements, News | 22nd June 2020

A new chapter at Ipswich Academy

We are excited at the start of this week to welcome Abbie Thorrington into her new role as Principal. The Ipswich Star have published a feature about this which you can read by clicking the link below.

Click here to read the full article.

News | 16th June 2020

Ipswich Star feature on secondary schools reopening

The Ipswich Star has written a feature on the secondary schools in Ipswich that are reopening.

The social distancing measures that have been put in place is largely thanks to the hard work and dedication of all our staff here at Ipswich Academy and other schools in the area.

Read more about this here.

Last updated June 16, 2020