News | 24th June 2022

Sports Day 2022

News | 22nd June 2022

Summer School 2022

Uncategorised | 22nd June 2022

Sky’s Digital Skills touring studio

Our students were the first to have the amazing opportunity of trying out Sky’s new Digital Skills touring studio. The scheme is aimed at year 8 students, however as the first school to have the opportunity, some students from years 7 & 9 were also able to get involved.

Our Principal, Abbie Thorrington, said that it was a privilege having them at school and the impact that they have had on the students that participated was inspiring.

13 year old Sky presenter Braydon Brent was in attendance of the launch, and said that watching the students use the equipment and technology has been absolutely phenomenal and he would highly recommend a job in the creative industry to anyone.

House updates | 17th June 2022

House Update – 17th June 2022

News | 31st May 2022

Sky on Tour and Art Exhibitions

House updates | 27th May 2022

House Update – 26th May 2022

News | 25th May 2022

Jubilee Celebrations

News | 16th May 2022

For parents of Y9 and Y10 students

News | 12th May 2022

Y9 options information

Please click here to visit the Y9 options information.

House updates | 12th May 2022

House Update – 12th May 2022

Last updated May 12, 2022