Uncategorised | 4th April 2019

Year 11 Easter Revision

The plan for Year 11 Easter Revision can be found here.

Announcements | 3rd April 2019

Vacancy: Lead Science Technician

Lead Science Technician – closing date 25th April

We require a full-time Lead Science Technician, to start as soon as possible at Ipswich Academy.

Please click to access:

Please return all completed applications to hr@paradigmtrust.org.

Uncategorised | 3rd April 2019

PSHE Curriculum

As you are aware, we cover a wide range of topics within our PSHE curriculum to ensure our students have a good understanding of health and wellbeing, the wider world and relationships. Students have openly said they find the sessions covered within the PSHE curriculum ‘hard hitting’ but valuable towards their future lives and decisions.

I am writing to inform you that in the summer term we will be covering the delicate topics of Female Genital Mutilation and Relationship and Sex Education with all students across years 7-10. Both topics will be appropriately pitched for each year group and the staff members leading the sessions fully trained to do so.

If you have any questions or concerns about your child being a part of these sessions, please do not hesitate to contact the school to discuss this.

Yours faithfully,

Amy Cook
Wider Curriculum Lead

Uncategorised | 29th March 2019

Elmer is ready to pack his trunk!

Ipswich Academy’s very own Elmer AKA ‘ICE’ is very different to all the other elephants! He is now ready to pack his trunk and head out into the big wide world on his adventures around Ipswich!

Announcements | 28th March 2019

Ofsted success celebrated on BBC Radio Suffolk

Our Principal Helen Winn was recently interviewed on BBC Radio Suffolk. You can hear the interview by clicking on the link below.

BBC Radio Suffolk interview

Uncategorised | 25th March 2019

Duke of Edinburgh parent/carer sign up

For parents/carers whose child has enrolled on the Duke of Edinburgh’s Bronze Award for 2019, please click the link here to fill out the parental consent form.

Uncategorised | 25th March 2019

Ipswich Academy graded GOOD with OUTSTANDING leadership and management – read the report here

Ipswich Academy has been judged GOOD by Ofsted with OUTSTANDING Leadership and Management. The report and a letter from Helen Winn can be found below.

Letter to parents

Ofsted report

Uncategorised | 25th March 2019

‘Create your future’ career fair

On Friday we hosted our ‘Create your future’ career fair. It was fantastic to see all the children so engaged and enthusiastic about what the potential careers available to them. A great way to end the week!

Uncategorised | 22nd March 2019

Visit to Wolsey Theatre

“It really felt like being a professional actor” Well done to all the performing Arts pupils who stepped out on stage at the Wolsey Studio, you were amazing!

Uncategorised | 20th March 2019

Year 9 subject consultation meeting

Appointments are available for you to meet with your child’s teachers on Thursday 4th April, 4:30pm to 7:30pm. This consultation evening provides an excellent opportunity to discuss your child’s progress prior to options evening. Options evening will be on Thursday 2nd May from 6-8pm. More details about this will be available closer to the time.

You are able to book five minute appointment slots for each subject teacher using our electronic booking system. This is accessed from the link below:


Appointments with each teacher will last for five minutes. Booking will be on a first come, first served basis and the booking system is now open.

In order to login to the system, you will need the following information relating to your child, as held in our database:

  • First name
  • Surname
  • Date of birth
  • Register class

You will also need to enter the details we have on record for you. If you have recently changed your title or surname, for example, and not informed us, we will be expecting you to login with the details we have on record. The email address you enter is only used to receive a confirmation of your appointment. If the system gives you an error when you login, it will not be the email address that is the problem.

If you do not have access to the Internet, or experience any problems with using the system, please contact the school and ask to speak with Linda Winstone.

Some subjects may not be available or may be fully booked on the evening, if you would like to discuss your child’s progress in subjects not available please contact the school and we will arrange for the member of staff to call you.

We would like to invite you on the evening to fill out an Ofsted Parent View questionnaire to give your views on the school, this will be available on the night in the Senior Year Study Zone and should take no more than 5 minutes to complete.

Subject teachers will meet with you and your child on an individual basis to provide clear feedback on your child’s learning. You will also have an opportunity to review your child’s exercise books. As appointments are limited, if you are unable to see all of your child’s teachers then please contact the school via our email address to book a separate appointment at another time.

Your child is required to attend, with their parent/carer. Many thanks for your ongoing support.

Last updated March 20, 2019