Announcements | 11th September 2016

Open evening for prospective students and their parents/carers – Thursday 6 October – 6:30-8pm


Announcements | 7th September 2016

Ipswich Academy’s latest Ofsted report shows progress towards the removal of special measures

Ipswich Academy has been shown to be making strong improvement following its most recent visit from Ofsted.  The inspector, who visited the school from 5th – 6th July 2016, agreed with findings from a previous inspection in February 2016 that, “leaders and managers are taking effective action towards the removal of special measures”.

Paradigm Trust took over the running of Ipswich Academy in September 2015. This inspection report states that since that point, “The executive principal continues to provide the school with a strong steer for its improvement. She and her team of senior leaders have maintained their efforts to raise expectations and embed the improvements noted at the time of the last monitoring report”.

The report also notes that “actions to raise achievement have been directed towards all pupils” while “greater rigour has been added to the assessment of pupil progress in all years”. Additionally, new initiatives introduced by the school “are being used effectively with individuals and in small groups to boost their confidence and competence”.

Whilst the report details key areas for improvement in order to raise all standards at the school, it also highlights that Paradigm Trust ensures that the school’s “plans are routinely checked to gauge the rate of improvement, and identify where further action is needed”, while the expectations of teachers “remain high”.

Amanda Phillips, chief executive of Paradigm Trust and the principal of Ipswich Academy said:

“We are very pleased that once again Ofsted has recognised the enormous amount of work being carried out by staff, pupils and parents to raise standards at Ipswich Academy. We are aware that more works needs to be done at the academy, but this report – alongside this year’s improved GCSE results – strengthens our belief that we are on track to achieve this.”

The latest inspection report can be viewed here.

Announcements | 4th September 2016

Welcome back! Welcome for Y7 students who are joining us!

We look forward to welcoming students tomorrow – Monday. Students to arrive by 8:55am.

  • Y11 students to gather in the SYSZ
  • Y10 in the grey area
  • Y9 in the red area
  • Y8 in the blue area
  • Y7 to enter via main reception and we will show you the way to the hall for a welcome assembly.

Announcements | 25th August 2016

Best ever results!

We have been celebrating with students today, as they collected the best set of results in the academy’s history.

  • Students have made more progress than the national benchmark.
  • 48.4% of students achieved A*-C grades in both English and mathematics. This is a marked improvement compared to 31% last year.
  • 83.6% of students have made expected progress in English. This compares very favourably to last year’s national average of 69%. 41.1% of students made more than expected progress in English – compared to 30% nationally.
  • 61.1% of students have made expected progress in mathematics. This is a major improvement compared to last year (33%).
  • 39.2% of students have achieved A*-C grades in five subjects (including English and mathematics). This is a significant improvement compared to last year’s figure of 24.4%.

Amanda Phillips, our Principal, commented: We would like to congratulate our students on their GCSE results this year, which are the result of an enormous amount of work carried out by staff, students and parents/carers to raise standards in a very short period of time. I am delighted by the massive steps that we have achieved since September of last year, and results show that our efforts are paying off. However, we know this is just the beginning and there is still a lot to be accomplished at Ipswich Academy, but we are confident we will continue to see enhanced results year on year.

Announcements | 24th August 2016

Uniform purchase

We have been advised that the school uniform shop, PMG, is out of stock of:

  • ties
  • PE tops
  • blazers
  • sew on badges.

New supplies are expected to take up to six weeks, with some items not expected until the end of October.

The uniform shop is sending the school a list of students who have uniform on order so that we will be aware of those affected and will, therefore, adopt a flexible approach.  There is a small supply of ties in school which can be purchased for £5.50.  Please speak to Linda Winstone regarding this, or if you have any other uniform-related concern.

We apologise for any inconvenience which this may cause.

Announcements | 8th August 2016

GCSE results – Thursday 25th August

GCSE results can be collected from the SYSZ between 10:00 and 12:00 on Thursday 25th August. Any monetary rewards will be given out with certificates once queries have been confirmed and all textbooks returned. There will be a variety of staff present on the day to help you as well as careers advice and light refreshments.

Announcements | 14th July 2016

London extravaganza – the wait is nearly over…

Please find, below, links to a range of letters which were sent home with students, today.

Announcements | 4th July 2016

London extravaganza letter to families of Y7 students

Please click here to read the letter.

Announcements | 30th June 2016

Information for parents/carers of students who will join Ipswich Academy in September 2016 – transition days 7 and 8 July

A letter with information for your child, and a timetable for the transition days, has been posted to your home address. If you have not received this, please contact the school and we will arrange to re-send the documents.

Your child will need to arrive at school by 8.45am when they will be met by their new form tutor. The day finishes at 3.00pm.

The children will take part in a variety of activities over the course of the two days along with team building activities.

We ask that you provide your child with a packed lunch and that you ensure that they wear their primary school’s full uniform. Packed lunches will be provided by the school for children eligible for free school meals.

There will be a parents’/carers’ meeting at 2.15pm on Thursday 7th July.

Announcements | 30th June 2016

Information for students who will join Ipswich Academy in September 2016 – transition days 7 and 8 July

We are looking forward to meeting you on the 7th and 8th July at Ipswich Academy.

A plan for the two days has been posted to your home address. You will be taking part in art and music lessons on the two mornings and team building activities in the afternoon. You must wear your full primary school uniform on both days.

When you move to Ipswich Academy you will find that you are in a different tutor group (class) to the friends you had at primary school. Some students worry that they will find it hard to make friends. Do not worry. Your form tutor will encourage you to make friends through activities that you will do in tutor time. In no time at all, you will find that as well as having your friends from primary school, you have also made a lot of new friends.

Ipswich Academy is going to be a lot bigger than your primary school. In order to help you move around, you will have a tour on your transition days and another tour on your first day of school. You will also be provided with a map of the school, and on the first few days at Ipswich Academy staff will be with you to show you around. If you get lost, ask an adult or a student where to go. They will take you to where you should be.

Please write any questions you have in the space on the timetable which has been posted to you and bring them with you. Your form tutor will answer them.

Last updated June 30, 2016