Information for parents/carers of students who will join Ipswich Academy in September 2016 – transition days 7 and 8 July

A letter with information for your child, and a timetable for the transition days, has been posted to your home address. If you have not received this, please contact the school and we will arrange to re-send the documents.

Your child will need to arrive at school by 8.45am when they will be met by their new form tutor. The day finishes at 3.00pm.

The children will take part in a variety of activities over the course of the two days along with team building activities.

We ask that you provide your child with a packed lunch and that you ensure that they wear their primary school’s full uniform. Packed lunches will be provided by the school for children eligible for free school meals.

There will be a parents’/carers’ meeting at 2.15pm on Thursday 7th July.

Last updated June 30, 2016