Announcements | 5th July 2024

Our plans in response to Ofsted findings

Ipswich Academy has launched a programme of weekly meetings with parents and students as part of its drive to address the results of its recent Ofsted inspection.

School co-principals Abbie Thorrington and Samuel Fox have also announced an action plan to ensure that the quality of teaching provided by supply staff is of high standard and to place a stronger focus on the quality of teaching and consistency of approach across all areas. 

The move comes after the school’s May inspection, published 5 July, which concludes that despite careful planning and some high-quality teaching, the school requires improvement.

Abbie Thorrington said: “We’ve been through the Ofsted report carefully with the inspectors and are now engaging with the whole school community to address issues raised. Yes, that means staff, but parents and pupils also have an important role to play. By working together, we can make changes quickly and effectively.

“While we know we have issues that need to be addressed, we were pleased that inspectors highlighted the high degree of trust between staff and pupils and the rich range of personal development activities we provide.”

Inspectors noted that early reading is a strong point for the school with effective support for pupils.

Samuel Fox added: “We’ll use these meetings to keep our parents and carers informed about progress and to tap into our students’ experiences and views in order to find what will work best.

“The inspectors have pointed to the areas in which we need to improve. As well as our local school community, we’ll be drawing on the expertise within Paradigm Trust, which runs schools in both Ipswich and London. Our Trust’s director of school improvement, Ben Carter – a senior leader and an ex-headteacher himself – will also be actively involved.”

The school has convened weekly meetings of its parent director and academy council members as well as a weekly staff meetings and a weekly meeting of students. Support in classroom management and teaching have been in place for supply staff since April and this will continue throughout the the summer term and the autumn. The school has also targeted three main areas to drive school improvement and address issues highlighted by the inspection; there are culture and ethos, stabilisation of staffing and providing a high quality of teaching for all students.

Announcements | 4th July 2024

Inspired Junior Chef competition!

For more information and an application form please contact

If you apply, you are confirming that you would like to take part in our Charity Junior Inspired Chef event and will be available for 5 weeks of training every Tuesday from 18:30 until 20:30 starting 10 September 2024 and for the main event on the evening of Tuesday 15 October 2024.

Participants must be aged between 13 and 16 years old. Closing date for applications 31 July 2024.

Announcements | 22nd May 2024

New basketball club for children and young people in Ipswich

Aspire Basketball is a newly established club who are passionate about delivering quality, fun coaching sessions for children and young people in Suffolk. The club has been formed due to the recognition that there are limited opportunities for children to learn basketball in the Ipswich area. Why not give it a try over the half term holiday?

Announcements | 15th April 2024

Year 10 Booklook

We would like to invite parents and carers to our Year 10 Booklook on Monday 29th April from 3:40-4:40pm. Come along and take a look at the great work your child has been producing towards their GCSEs. We look forward to seeing you all there.

Announcements | 15th April 2024

PE extracurricular timetable for summer term

Announcements | 7th March 2024

Relax and Chill Sessions

Murrayside Community Centre is offering a ‘Relax and Chill’ session on Mondays to all students aged 11-17. Why not go along and join in with some of the fun activities available, including sports, cooking and arts and crafts … or you could just chill! Sessions run from 4pm – 6pm.

Announcements | 6th March 2024

Family Awareness Day at University of Suffolk

The University of Suffolk is hosting its next Family Awareness Day on Saturday 18th May. Family Awareness Day is an event open to students in Year 7, 8 or 9 and their families. It is a fantastic opportunity to learn more about university and to meet with current University of Suffolk students. During the event families will take part in a fun programme of activities and learn more about the benefits of Higher Education and Student Finance. Families must register to attend the event via the ‘Book a place’ link or by scanning the QR code on the attached flyer.

Announcements | 8th December 2023

Exciting Co-Leadership model begins at Ipswich Academy

Abbie Thorrington and Samuel Fox to take joint leadership of Ipswich Academy.

Abbie Thorrington, who has been Principal at Ipswich Academy since 2020, returns this week, after maternity leave, to take joint leadership of the school with Samuel Fox, who has been Interim Principal in Abbie’s absence.

Abbie will be based at Ipswich Academy for four days a week, while Samuel will have one Friday off every two weeks. The working arrangements bear testament to Paradigm Trust’s commitment to providing a family friendly workplace for all staff.

This arrangement adds capacity to the Senior Leadership Team, increasing it to two Principals and three Assistant Principals. This is a more sustainable model of leadership for the school as it shares the load and doubles the experience and capacity to support the rest of the staff.

“I’m looking forward to co-leading with Abbie,” said Samuel. “Abbie and I have worked together for over 10 years, first when she trained as a PE teacher then together as Assistant Principals for around three years before Abbie became Principal, so we know each other’s working practices very well.”

“The Co-Leadership model is an exciting step forward for Ipswich Academy, “ said Abbie “ It strengthens the leadership team and in turn, the teaching staff throughout the school. Samuel and I have already worked in partnership for several years which makes this model even stronger.”

Announcements | 2nd October 2023

Open Evening For Year 6 Pupils

Announcements | 29th September 2023

Non-school shoes day

On 10th October we will be celebrating the life of an amazing teacher and a fantastic friend, Lyndsay Collin, by wearing non-school shoes.

Students are asked to bring an item of tinned food to donate to FIND.

Last updated September 29, 2023