Announcements | 14th September 2020

Catch-up Programme for Years 10’s

Please see a letter here regarding immunisation catch up’s for year 10.

Announcements | 11th September 2020

Year 11 wellbeing

Dear Parents/ Carers

Year 11- Wellbeing Support Sessions

Year 11 is a challenging year and this year is no exception to the rule. With this in mind, we want to ensure all our year 11 students have support to help them navigate positively and successfully through the academic year.

Year 11 students are being offered the chance to access Wellbeing Support Sessions. These will take place within school time and will be delivered by registered nurses Annie O’Neill and Sue Miller. 

Both Annie and Sue have worked with the school on many occasions, attending year 11 bootcamp, providing wellbeing sessions for KS4 students and also delivering Relationship & Sex Education content within the PSHE curriculum. Feedback from students has been extremely positive, especially relating to the relationships and trust built between the students and the nurses.

The aim of the Wellbeing Support sessions is to support student’s positive mental health and wellbeing, especially during these unprecedented times and in the lead up to GCSE examinations. The sessions will initially take place over the next 7 weeks on a Thursday afternoon, with the possibility of extending the support further if it is needed. 

Each session will accommodate small groups of approximately 6-10 students. Students will need to sign up to these sessions if they would like to attend. There will also be opportunities for students to have one-to-one sessions with a wellbeing nurse if required. We will also be offering a ‘drop-in’ session for students, parents and carers to attend every Thursday, 3.15-4.30pm.

Students can sign up to these sessions by accessing this Google Form or by speaking to their Base Group Tutor to be added to the list. We will then inform students on Thursday which session they will be in. 

If you do not want your child to take part in these sessions, please ‘Opt Out‘ by emailing or calling reception.  If we do not hear from you, we will take it that you consent to your child accessing the support if they wish. 

If you would like to discuss this further, please do not hesitate to get into contact. 

Yours faithfully

Mrs A Cook
PSHE & Positive Mental Health and Wellbeing Lead

Announcements | 7th September 2020

Letter from Suffolk Police

Dear Parents/Carers,

You will no doubt be aware of the Kesgrave shooting incident that took place earlier this morning (Monday 7 September) in Friends Walk.

We can understand such an incident will have caused concern in the community at Kesgrave High School but to offer you reassurance a teenager has been arrested. This is being treated as an isolated incident by the police and they do not believe that there is a wider threat to the school or local community.

Students and staff are safe in school and will remain in school as expected until the end of the school day. In order to provide reassurance to the school community there will be a police presence as students leave school today and over the next few days.

The victim, a 15-year-old boy, sustained serious injuries and was airlifted to
Addenbrooke’s Hospital where he is receiving urgent medical attention.

We are aware of some footage/imagery circulating on social media of this morning’s incident at #Kesgrave. We’d ask that circulation of such pictures and videos of the incident does not take place. Help us keep you safe. Thank you.

Assistant Chief Constable Rob Jones said: “Following this serious incident our priority is to keep everyone safe.”

“We have now made an arrest as part of the investigation and are working with our partners and our schools to ensure that everyone feels safe when they are collecting their children from school this afternoon.

Please be aware that more of our officers will be on patrol and to provide
reassurance in the area.”

Friends Walk and Through Jollys remain completely closed off at present and there is a partial closure on Ropes Drive.

Remember, if you as a parent/carer dropping of your child this morning saw any suspicious activity or has information about the incident please contact the Contact and Control Room, quoting reference CAD 58 of 7 September.

Alternatively, contact the independent charity Crimestoppers 100% anonymously on 0800 555 111, or via their online form:

Suffok Police

Announcements | 2nd September 2020

September letter

02 September 2020

Dear students, parents and carers,

With a matter of hours to go until we welcome students back to school, I felt it important to communicate with you one final time before Ipswich Academy reopens. 

As I have noted in my previous correspondence, the detailed Board Approved arrangements for Paradigm Schools (Approved arrangements) can be found by clicking this  link. The assemblies from last week are available to watch online if you missed them. For year  7, please see the transition website and Google classrooms for year 8, 9, 10 and 11. Please also click on this  link for the supporting letter which accompanied the assemblies. 

I would like to update you on cashless catering and S-Quid accounts. Tomorrow students will receive their own electronic card, which will be personalised to their online account. Due to a technical delay in sending the link out to our new year 7’s, I will ensure students wishing to purchase a meal will not go without during Thursday and Friday to allow for any issues to be resolved. Unfortunately these cards do not come with personalised names inscribed on them. If a student misplaces their card and we are unable to find it, we will be asking for a small contribution for replacement cards to help replace some of the cost associated with a new one. 

As previously communicated, students will be able to purchase water from the canteen. We do however encourage students to bring their own refillable water bottle to fill at the taps around school. Water fountains will be out of action. Without a water bottle, they will not be able to use the water points.

All staff have been on site at Ipswich Academy training and preparing for student arrival over the last two days. It has been incredible to have everyone under one roof (yet socially distancing), we are all very much looking forward to welcoming students back tomorrow morning. 

Thank you once again for your continued support. 

Yours faithfully

Abbie Thorrington

Announcements | 24th August 2020

Updated: Appeals procedure for summer 2020 exams

Due to recent changes around GCSE grades for the academic year 19/20, we have adapted our process with regard to results and appeals. You can view this document here or by going to the our policies page on the Paradigm Trust website.

Please note that the appeals process has been written with the information that we currently have and it could be subject to change if the Government makes further changes.

Announcements | 18th August 2020

GCSE Results update – 18th August

Dear year 11 student,

GCSE Results update

Following on from the Department of Education announcement yesterday evening, I can confirm that your GCSE results that you receive on Thursday 20th will be based on your Centre Assessed Grades (CAG). The Department for Education also added that further results which have been moderated by Ofqual, the exams regulator will be released next week. Whichever of the two grades is higher will be your official GCSE grade for that subject. 

Once we have further clarification from the Department of Education and Ofqual around specifics, I will communicate this with you.

I understand that due to the fast paced nature of the news around GCSE results, it may be confusing. If you do have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us. Adequate staff will also be available on Thursday to support you and answer any questions. 

I look forward to seeing you on Thursday 20 August. 

Yours faithfully

Abbie Thorrington

Announcements | 9th July 2020

End of term letter

Dear students, parents and carers

The last three months have been unprecedented times for us all. I would firstly like to congratulate students for their hard work and persistence with their remote learning. Rest assured that the hard work that you have put in will have a real impact when you return to school . 

Secondly, I would like to thank parents and carers for their continued support throughout the school closure. We have worked hard to maintain contact with you on a weekly basis and have appreciated your positivity, input and feedback.

Looking forward to September, we are currently anticipating that we will open full-time for all students on Thursday 3 September, following the most recent announcement from the Government on 2 July 2020. We are currently working hard behind the scenes to ensure that our risk assessment and plans for re-opening are in place. Once these plans have gone through the consultation process with staff and agreed by Directors, I will share them with you all. 

Although we will plan to open on Thursday 3 September at this stage, this could be subject to change. As we have been throughout this pandemic, we are bound by guidance from the Government. We do not expect to receive full confirmation from the Government as to whether schools can re-open and which measures need to be in place before mid to late August. Once we have the information, I will communicate with you again. With this in mind, please be aware that it may be necessary to delay reopening until Monday 7 September, depending on what the Government announces to ensure the required measures are in place.

We have had some questions regarding school uniforms in September. Students will be expected to follow the school uniform policy; however, I have made a provisional change for blazers, these will be optional until 31 October. After this time, blazers will be compulsory and students will be expected to wear them at all times. 

Lastly, if you have a Chromebook and you are no longer using it, please return  it to Ipswich Academy throughout the summer holiday or in September.

Thank you, as always, for your support.

Yours faithfully

A Thorrington

Abbie Thorrington

Announcements | 29th June 2020

Face to face meetings

Dear parents/carers and student, 

I would like to take the opportunity to congratulate all students on their dedication in completing the work packs and online work since the school closures were announced, and a big thank you to parents and carers for their continued support during very difficult times.

Following confirmation from the government that schools are able to invite students in other year groups to a face-to-face meeting before the end of this term, I am pleased to announce that Ipswich Academy will be offering this opportunity to all year 7, 8 and 9 students. Students will have the opportunity to book and speak with their base group tutor virtually over Google hangouts, or face to face in school, between the 6th and 10th July. Students attending school will be expected to abide by the social distancing measures currently in place at Ipswich Academy. Students opting for a virtual face to face meeting will be sent an invite to their school email account once they have signed up.  Please click here to book an appointment; you will need to submit student name, date of birth and base group. If you do not have access to the internet or need support with booking, please contact the school reception.

Although we are not able to extend our current in school provision for year 7, 8 and 9 students due to government guidance, we feel that a face to face meeting would be of benefit prior to the expected full-time return to school for all students in September. Students will have the opportunity to speak with their base group tutor around the work they are completing at home and wellbeing. Students will also be made aware of the summer tasks that we are preparing for them. 

Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all of your support throughout these last few months.  Hopefully I will see some of you over the coming weeks, but if I don’t, I look forward to seeing you in September.

Yours faithfully,

Abbie Thorrington

Announcements, News | 22nd June 2020

A new chapter at Ipswich Academy

We are excited at the start of this week to welcome Abbie Thorrington into her new role as Principal. The Ipswich Star have published a feature about this which you can read by clicking the link below.

Click here to read the full article.

Announcements | 14th May 2020

Leavers’ Hoodies 2020

Following on from Mrs Winn’s assembly on Monday 11 May, I am writing to let you know that you can now purchase a hoodie for the 2020 leavers using our online ordering system.  The design of the hoodie was chosen by members of the year 11 prom committee and there is a large variety of colours for students to choose from – please see the order form.  On the front of the hoodie will be the embroidered school logo and on the back, all the students’ names within the “20”. Individual names can be added on the reverse also but it can only be the forename or surname – no nicknames.  

The cost of the hoodie is £20 plus an extra £4 if the individual name is required.  Please complete the online order form stating the required colour and size and whether or not the name is required on the reverse.  To access the online order form you will need to follow this link; Details of how to pay for the hoodie are on the form. The completed form and payment must be submitted to the school by Friday 29 May so that we can have the hoodies ready before the end of the summer term.  Orders placed after this date will not be honoured.

If you have any queries, please contact the school via telephone or email and ask for Linda Winstone in the first instance.

Yours faithfully,

Mal Akhlak
Head of Progress

Last updated May 26, 2020