Announcements | 21st October 2016

Reminder – exams coming up for students in Y7-10

  • Assessment week for Y9 – week commencing 1 November 2016
  • Assessment week for Y8 – week commencing 7 November 2016
  • Assessment week for Y7 – week commencing 14 November 2016
  • Assessment week for Y10 – week commencing 21 November 2016

Students will undergo formal examinations in the majority of taught subjects, as indicated above. Examinations will take place during normal timetabled lessons.

It is important that students perform to their full ability during these exams as we will use them to identify what needs to be taught over the coming weeks.

Please support your child by encouraging him/her to revise. Ensuring a healthy diet and exercise/sleep routines will also help your child perform well.

Please support your child to check that s/he has all the correct equipment ready in advance of each and every examination. S/he will feel more comfortable if s/he has her/his own equipment.

Regular attendance at school is important every day but is even more important during examination periods.


  • Parent/carer consultations for Y11 – Thursday 10 November 2016 – 4pm onwards
  • Parent/carer consultations for Y10 – Thursday 15 December 2016 – 4:30pm onwards

Announcements | 21st October 2016

Students return to school at normal time on Tuesday 1 November

Half term is Monday 24 October 2016 to Monday 31 October 2016 (inclusive). Students return to school on Tuesday 1 November, at normal time, as the academy is closed to students on Monday 31 October 2016 for staff training.

Announcements | 21st October 2016

Certificates for courses which completed in summer 2016…

…will be available for collection next week, week commencing 24 October 2016. Reception will be staffed from Tuesday to Friday (please note, not Monday) from 8am to 12noon and then 1-4pm. Information about rewards for progress in mathematics will also be supplied with certificates.

Please note that certificates can only be collected by the student in person. Students must bring current photo ID in order to collect their certificates. If there is an absolute need for someone other than the student to collect the certificate in person, the student must contact the school (use the contact form on this web site) to request alternative arrangements.

Announcements | 15th October 2016

UPDATE Y11 examinations – week commencing 17 October 2016

Y11 students will sit exams in most subjects next week. The SYSZ will be open for breakfast and revision from 0800 each morning. Y11 students **must** be in the SYSZ early next week for registration – Mon by 0830; Tues by 0820; Wed by 0815: Thurs and Fri by 0840. Please remind students to bring correct equipment including calculators each day and at least two highlighters (contrasting colours) for English exams.

Key documents/information relating to this are provided below:

Announcements | 7th October 2016

Opportunities to join as Head of Department for English or mathematics

Last September Ipswich Academy became the fourth school to become part of Paradigm Trust. There is a vacancy for a senior leader who is seeking to make an outstanding contribution. You will need to be open to fresh challenges, have high energy and commitment levels and work to the highest standards. The rewards are excellent, with Performance Related Pay for the best teachers.

Announcements | 5th October 2016

Y11 compulsory business revision this Saturday 8 October 9:30-11:30am

Please note that all Y11 business students must attend a revision session this Saturday morning – 8 October – 9:30-11:30am. This is critical preparation for their actual business examinations which will take place every day next week, starting on Monday 10 October. Pizza will be provided at the end of the revision session. The examinations will determine the students’ summer results in this subject.

Announcements | 3rd October 2016

Briefing and subject consultation meeting for Y11 students, parents/carers – Thursday 10 November

The booking system is available here.

Y11 is a critical and intense time. It is crucial that students, parents/carers and staff work together closely, from the start, so that achievement is high.

We will be holding two briefing meetings on 10th November, starting at 4pm or 6.30pm. In these meetings we will:

  • communicate the minimum grades which students are required to achieve, and explain the rationale behind this
  • share results from the assessments which students are currently taking
  • issue study guides – so that students are able to revise independently
  • clarify homework arrangements and expectations
  • explain our approach to additional learning sessions.

Individual teacher consultation appointments will take place between 4:30-6:30pm and then 7-9pm. Y11 subject teachers will provide clear feedback on what students need to do in order to achieve the required grades.

Information about the Y11 prom will also be provided at this meeting – students need to attend in order to receive the prom card which will be required to obtain a ticket.  Students who attend with a parent/carer, and attend pre-booked consultations with at least five examined subject teachers, will earn their first money off voucher towards the prom ticket cost.

All meetings will take place in the school hall. Booking will be on a first come, first served basis and the booking system is now open. The number of appointments will, initially, be limited to five for each student to ensure that all parents/carers are able to participate. Nearer to the time, if additional appointments are available, we will release these into the booking system and notify you.

In order to login to the system, you will need the following information relating to your child, as held in our database:

  • Child’s first name
  • Child’s surname
  • Child’s date of birth
  • Child’s register class (in the form of e.g. 11-4)

You will need to enter the details we have on record for you. If you have recently changed your title or surname, for example, and not informed us, we will be expecting you to login with the details we have on record. The email address you enter is only used to receive a confirmation of your appointment. If the system gives you an error when you login, it will not be the email address that is the problem.

If you do not have access to the Internet, or experience any problems with using the system, please contact the school and ask to speak with Mrs Winstone.

Students are required to attend, with their parent/carer. Y11 lessons on 10 November will end earlier than normal at 3:40pm. This will allow students who are attending the 4pm briefing meeting to collect a drink and a biscuit (which the academy will supply) from the SYSZ, before making their way back up to the grey arena to be seated in time for a 4pm start.

Many thanks for your ongoing support.

Announcements | 27th September 2016

Class teachers (primary) required for January 2016 or sooner

Please click here to access further information.

Announcements | 23rd September 2016

Strengthening Families Programme – new start date Monday 10 October

The Strengthening Families Programme runs over seven weeks and supports families in strengthening their relationships with each other.

Parents and young people meet in separate groups for the first hour, and then come together in the second hour for a family session.

The group is led by a group of people from a variety of different agencies and backgrounds, who already work with young people and their families.

Please click here for further information on this programme

Announcements | 14th September 2016

Year 11 GCSE boot camp – 23-24 September 2016

Please click here to access the programme and other important information relating to this event.

Last updated September 14, 2016