Welcome back!

Dear parent/carer,

I hope that everyone has had a good summer break.

We are really looking forward to welcoming back all of our students on Monday 10th September.  I would like to extend a special welcome to our new year 7 students and parents/carers.  I am sure that they will settle into Ipswich Academy life very quickly!

I would also like to congratulate last year’s year 11 who achieved some fantastic GCSE examination results this year.  We wish them all the very best in whatever they decide to do.

Following my letter at the end of last term, I remind you that we will not be allowing students to use their mobile telephones or other devices on site at any time of the school day including breaks and before or after school.  If you would like your child to carry a mobile telephone for safety reasons, it should be switched off and placed in their school bag before they enter site in the morning.  Any telephones, devices or headphones that are seen or heard will be confiscated until the end of the school day.  If a child has a device confiscated more than once in the school year, it will be kept until the end of the week.  I have already told the students about this but we will be very clear with them about the rules in their assemblies so that they do not inadvertently use their mobile telephones. I am sure that this decision will have very positive results including students’ improved communication and social skills and a reduction in issues involving social media.  Many schools have adopted this approach and have found the benefits to be great.

We look forward to working with you this year towards your child’s ongoing success.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.  We will always get back to you.

Thank you, as ever, for your support.

Yours faithfully,


Helen Winn

Last updated September 5, 2018